At this time last year, we’d already had our 12 raisins on the beach at Praia das Maçãs…I didn’t know to wear blue underwear, but let’s just say that–statistically speaking–it’s possible that I was without knowing the tradition.
We kissed at midnight and toasted with the remains of the espumante we had in our cups, and we walked 0.53 miles up the hill to the house we’d rented for years.
Tonight, we’re more than 4000 miles away, and the tradition we keep is the togetherness, and the wine. Our pack stays close, and we are making new friends in this home away from the one we shared on the other side of the Atlantic.
We wish for all of our friends and family on both sides the very best and brightest future that a new decade can hold. May it bring us together instead of apart, and all of the fortunate things that those blue underwear can promise.
Fireworks to light up our street art at Praia das Maçãs